Gallery: Auriel

Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to write up a tutorial for Auriel but if you have questions feel free to send a message and I will do my best to help! This costume was made over the course of a few months. The primary material is EVA foam of varying thickness, a [...]

Overwatch Mercy Build Progress

Hey guys! Finally getting around to doing a write up on how I made my classic Mercy from Overwatch costume. Unfortunately in the middle of this project I got a new phone (my go-to method to take progress pictures) and despite promises of keeping all my stored pictures, I lost most of it in the [...]

Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2017

At long last convention season has started up again! I missed the first con of the year because one of my horrible selfish friends came to our weekly game night sick and left me with the flu which I was unusually slow to recover from. Ahem. ANYWAY, Long Beach Comic Expo was a lot of [...]

Gallery and Review: Nerdbot Con 2017

So, yesterday was Nerdbot con and it was pretty fun. It was very small and I had never been to the Pasadena convention center before. The layout was a little weird and all the stairs made it a little cosplay-unfriendly, but the outside was beautiful and there were many cool locations to take pictures at. [...]

Gallery and Review: Wondercon 2017

This year's Wondercon was pretty good! This year my group and I anticipated large crowds and usually the most stressful part of a convention is finding parking for it! So I got us prepaid parking at the Marriott and it was a life saver! It was so nice having the car close enough to make [...]

Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2017

It's time to kick off the con season with the first convention of the year- Long Beach Comic Expo! This is a nice con, small and well organized. But this year it seemed smaller than normal. I expect it was due to the extreme storm we had blow through the Friday before the con. Never [...]

Gallery and Review: LA Comic Con 2016

To me it's still Comikaze, and I think it'll be confusing with LA Cosplay Con using the same abbreviation. But anyways, this year's con was actually better than any other year (except the first). The Friday hours were short for some reason, so Saturday was the first day we went. Parking, as per usual in [...]