Overwatch Mercy Build Progress

Hey guys! Finally getting around to doing a write up on how I made my classic Mercy from Overwatch costume. Unfortunately in the middle of this project I got a new phone (my go-to method to take progress pictures) and despite promises of keeping all my stored pictures, I lost most of it in the [...]

Tutorial: Imp Mercy Tutorial

Hey guys! Shout out to Chiburger Cosplay who wanted some advice on making her own Imp Mercy and inspired me to get off my lazy butt and write up a proper tutorial! Or as proper as I can make one considering the lack of good photos I have of the progress... Well then, let's begin! [...]

Tutorial: Guzma’s Glasses

Hey guys, I have a quick tutorial for you today on how to make Guzma's glasses! What you'll need: -2mm craft foam -Large costume glasses (available at Party City) -Glue -Worbla (optional) -Yellow Paint -Black Paint -Satin Clear Spray Paint -White Plastic Primer Spray   Step 1: Get the costume glasses! Pop out the lens [...]

Tutorial: Cosplay Photo Edits

Alright, so I had a few people on Facebook and Instagram message me asking about my cosplay photo editing. I am not an expert. And actually I don't have much experience with editing photos at all. What I do have, is experience with Photoshop, mostly for illustration and digital painting. So I am going to [...]

Tutorial: Riverboat/Gambler McCree Robotic Arm

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted a progress walkthrough of tutorial! Today's focus is Overwatch's McCree and his robotic arm, specifically the one seen in his Riverboat and Gambler skins. I made the final product for a commission that will debut at Blizzcon this year! I hope someone else can find this [...]

Tutorial: Eternal Sage

From start to finish, here's what I was able to document on my Eternal Sage costume worn at the first ever Hex 100k invitational tournament! As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask! Eternal Sage Reference and Result: The base: Because I have difficulty sewing without a pattern, I used the same basic pattern [...]

Tutorial: Easy Orc Teeth

It's been a while since I have posted a tutorial, walk-through, or how-to. Let's hope I haven't forgotten how! Today I am going to show you how I made a pair of simple orc teeth that look something like this: Smaller fangs:   Larger Fangs: Step One: Gather the materials. You'll need: -Friendly Plastic or [...]

Tutorial: Cosplay Fake Feather

Hey everyone, Wondercon was great but it's time for me to start work and prepare for the next convention! I'm planning a Raven Queen outfit to hopefully be ready to debut at Anime Expo 2014. For those who don't know her, the Raven Queen is the goddess of  death in Dungeons and Dragons (4e). It's [...]