Gallery: Auriel

Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to write up a tutorial for Auriel but if you have questions feel free to send a message and I will do my best to help! This costume was made over the course of a few months. The primary material is EVA foam of varying thickness, a [...]

Overwatch Mercy Build Progress

Hey guys! Finally getting around to doing a write up on how I made my classic Mercy from Overwatch costume. Unfortunately in the middle of this project I got a new phone (my go-to method to take progress pictures) and despite promises of keeping all my stored pictures, I lost most of it in the [...]

Gallery and Review: Comic Con Revolution 2018

The convention started off rough and was a roller coaster of ups and downs. First off, it's a pretty far drive from where I live, but luckily there wasn't too much traffic. We went last year and parked in a dirt lot right across the street. We tried to park there again but were waved [...]

Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2017

At long last convention season has started up again! I missed the first con of the year because one of my horrible selfish friends came to our weekly game night sick and left me with the flu which I was unusually slow to recover from. Ahem. ANYWAY, Long Beach Comic Expo was a lot of [...]

Gallery and Review: Los Angeles Comic Con 2017

Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con, or Comikaze as I will forever call it, really reddemed itself. It's been a rollercoaster of a con! I've been attending ever since the very first year which was a great time for a new con. Then, over the course of a few years, my interest waned and things [...]

Gallery and Review: Nerdbot Con 2017

So, yesterday was Nerdbot con and it was pretty fun. It was very small and I had never been to the Pasadena convention center before. The layout was a little weird and all the stairs made it a little cosplay-unfriendly, but the outside was beautiful and there were many cool locations to take pictures at. [...]

Tutorial: Guzma’s Glasses

Hey guys, I have a quick tutorial for you today on how to make Guzma's glasses! What you'll need: -2mm craft foam -Large costume glasses (available at Party City) -Glue -Worbla (optional) -Yellow Paint -Black Paint -Satin Clear Spray Paint -White Plastic Primer Spray   Step 1: Get the costume glasses! Pop out the lens [...]