Gallery and Review: Los Angeles Comic Con 2017

Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con, or Comikaze as I will forever call it, really reddemed itself. It's been a rollercoaster of a con! I've been attending ever since the very first year which was a great time for a new con. Then, over the course of a few years, my interest waned and things [...]

Gallery and Review: Wondercon 2017

This year's Wondercon was pretty good! This year my group and I anticipated large crowds and usually the most stressful part of a convention is finding parking for it! So I got us prepaid parking at the Marriott and it was a life saver! It was so nice having the car close enough to make [...]

Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2017

It's time to kick off the con season with the first convention of the year- Long Beach Comic Expo! This is a nice con, small and well organized. But this year it seemed smaller than normal. I expect it was due to the extreme storm we had blow through the Friday before the con. Never [...]