Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2017

At long last convention season has started up again! I missed the first con of the year because one of my horrible selfish friends came to our weekly game night sick and left me with the flu which I was unusually slow to recover from. Ahem. ANYWAY, Long Beach Comic Expo was a lot of [...]

Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2017

It's time to kick off the con season with the first convention of the year- Long Beach Comic Expo! This is a nice con, small and well organized. But this year it seemed smaller than normal. I expect it was due to the extreme storm we had blow through the Friday before the con. Never [...]

Gallery and Review: Long Beach Comic Expo 2014

Last weekend was my first time attending Long Beach Comic Expo. From what I gathered on the website, it seemed to be run by the same people as Long Beach Comic Con. I figured it was the same convention by a different name. As per usual, my group ended up leaving a little late. By [...]